Monday, November 3, 2008

my motos

this is ask my friends all the time la and scince this is blog is about stuff i lyk, mighta well post what my motots n princepals are

my 3 motos :-

1) a path without obstacles probably doesnt lead anywhere
2) behind every b*tch is a man hu made them tht way=tht is if they turned from good to bitchy in the blink of an eye
3) if people love to gossip about other people, i might as well give them something to talk about

number 1 just simply means that sumtimes like may suck, but there is no 1 in the world with a smooth life n rocking life and everything we do is faced with obstacles and challenges, its just a part of life u gotta get used to
number 2 is like typical teengae gul stuff.....becoming b*tchy to impress a certaing guy ur heart may be on or changing for the guy, so in certaing cases its not the persons fault, so we shud forgive them la :)
number 3 means tht u shudent give a f*ck about what people gossip about and its natural tht gossipes like to gossip, so instead of trying not to b their topic, which will never work, just b yourself, do what u do n do it with grace n let them gossip all they want la

so there, ^_^ 3 basic motos-hehe......not all the time, i mean i have 10000000 of them, but for this pass couple of months, these 3 have come in handy-so i put them there-heheh