Monday, November 24, 2008

tsubasa theme song which i luv!

innumerable emotons pierce our racing hearts
our ballads continue quietly with no hesitations
our shadowns blended n from the far edge of the sky
when we take forth these memories
somewhere between whim and inevitability
even if this whirlpool of time that we've come across falters
i'll trust in your voice
out seeking out limitless dreams in this future with no clue where to look
i know that even if i loose the light, some day there will be the flame you've lit for me within your sparkling heart
and we'll trade these fragments of our dreams for wings

the above is the lyrics to the theme song of the Japanese anime "tsubasa chronicles", its a pretty intresting anime, as u followers of my 1st blog will know, i wasnt really much into anime, the only 2 i like so far will b tsubasa and naruto, again the story of how i came to luv both is written in my first blog and the titles of tht particular post is "my surprising like to anime!"

well , i just luv the words of these song! lol! thts y i felt lyk writing it! hehe